Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Recall your memory about "Summer" at ALE MAX Meeting No.287

Dear friends,

It's summer time!!!
Let's recall your memory about "Summer" at ALE MAX Meeting No. 287.

Monday, July 27, 2015

ALE MAX Indoor Outing- Tasty Life 行男大主廚

人生就如同美食一般  Life is like gourmet food.
美不美味 就看你如何料理調味 The way you cook decides how tasty it will be.
Let's make our life tasty.

傳統點心-手造桃酥製作 Traditional dessert, Walnut Cake, Making
活動時間 Time: 13:30 Aug. 23, 2015 
費用 Fee: NT$ 200 per person (For ALE MAX Members)
                 NT$ 300 per person (For Guests)
報名截止日期 Deadline for registration: 8/16/2015
報名聯絡人 Contact person for registration: Lillian Chen 0933-318-026
                                                                       Jason Wu   0952-654-750
Please contact with registration contact person for further registration.

PS: 主廚Jason Wu說,行男大主廚之所以會被稱為行男是因為……
       一天到晚都在走路 不是因為粉行啦! (粉行這件小事 私下偷偷講就好)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Script and Film of Jason Wu's A31 Speech

Congratulate to Jason Wu for being voted as best speaker of Meeting No. 286.
The following is his A31 speech script and film.
If you have no idea about how to do project 1 of the storytelling manual,
you can take a look for it and it may trigger your inspiration.

Please refer to the following link for the film of Jason's' speech .


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Happy Moment at ALE MAX Meeting No.286

We had a great night at our Meeting No. 286.
Animation brought us wonderful memories.
I love it!!!

Jonathan Chen and Jason Wu shared with us about the tips of taking good photos and
wonderful trip in Japan.
It seems it's time to go travelling!

We had guests, Maggie Wang and Wayne Hsiao.
And they decided to join us at the end of meeting.
Wow!!! It's so great.
Welcome you to be part of us.

And now, let's see who the best of Meeting No. 286 are!

Best Speaker: Jason Wu
Best Table Topic Speaker: Maggie Wang
Best Evaluator: Anson Sat
Best Session Master: Allen Hsu

For more photos, please link to the following website.

Welcome you to our next ALE MAX meeting!!

We welcome you to join our next ALEMAX Toastmasters meeting on Tuesday, 
August 4th at 7:20pm at Urban 33 Hotel 高雄商業旅館
It will be a great night of speeches and fun!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

ALE MAX Outing Sharing

Dear all,

We enjoyed a wonderful holiday on July 19.
Yes! It's the day of ALE MAX Outing.
Although it's raining, it didn't stop our trip.
We changed the outing plan to visit Liudui Cultural Park.
It's the spirit of ALE MAX "Never Give Up... Go Picnicking!!"

It's so great that we have old friends and new friends attending this outing.
We chat with each other and enjoyed delicious meals there.

How great is this activity?
Let's see what they said.

Lillian Chen:一天非常悠閒的時光 就如同跟家人ㄧ樣。P.S. 國王的新衣結局真差。哈哈

Jason Wu:天有不測風雲人需互相照應出遊果然還是團隊最好。

May Tsai:初次見面感覺與大家相識多年~ 大家在ㄧ起相談甚歡感覺很棒。

Tina Wen:好久沒這樣聊天南又聊地北,大家帶來的野餐食物在室內吃也很開心,即使下大雨也不減ALE MAX的熱情!()多謝款待~

Molly Tsai:一群志同道合的朋友一起出遊感覺最棒了,感謝辛苦策劃的主辦人及協助者,


Henry Tsai:見到ALE MAX 老朋友新朋友,重拾往日歡樂時光;能天南地北況況而談,勾起往事歷歷浮現。

Boy Chen:參觀完六堆文化園區才知道,客家人什麼都能拿來做成醃漬品!

Amanda Hsu:感謝主辦人風雨無阻,堅持outing到底,讓我們老朋友、新朋友相聚。六堆文化園區真的是寓教於樂的好所在。沒參加的冰友,真的是可惜啊!!

小飯糰表示: ........

    For more photos, please visit the following website.

    By the way, we taste the cookies we're going to make during next outing on Aug. 23.
    It's so crispy.

    Please pay attention to the message of next outing.
    Don't miss ALE MAX Outing again,

Monday, July 20, 2015

ALE MAX Toastmasters Club MeetingNo.285 Agenda

Dear Toastmasters and welcome guests,

It's almost two weeks since we met each other last time.
I can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Here is the meeting agenda of Meeting No.285.

The meeting theme is "Animation".
Animation movie always brings us surprises and makes us feel happy or touched.
I start to imagine how interesting the meeting will be.
Do you have the same feeling with me?

See you at 19:30-21:30 on July 21, 2015.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

2015-2016 Divisions D&K First Club Officers’ Training Agenda

Big news!!
2015-2016 Divisions D&K 1st Club Officers’ Training will be held at St. Dominic Catholic High School on July 18.
Officers, please attend it to learn more from three top officers from District 67.
Members, you are also welcome to join.

Involve more and you'll get more.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

ALE MAX Meeting No. 285- Animation

It's time for summer vocation.
There are many animation movies to activate our imagination ability.
So we set "Animation" as the meeting theme of Meeting No. 285.

What is your favorite animation movie?

ALE MAX sincerely invite you to attend our meeting.
See you at 19:30 on July 21, 2015.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

ALE MAX Outing in July, 2015 / 七月份和ALE MAX一起去郊遊

Dear all,

It's summer time!!!

Here comes our first outing in this new term.
We'll visit Dalukuan Amusement Park and Hong Qi Organic Farms.

There are many water game facilities at Dalukuan Amusement Park.
It's quite suitable for this season.
If you can't stand for the hot weather, you should join this outing to cool down.

Hong Qi Organic Farms are famous for pitaya.
Imagine the feeling of eating juicy pitaya at hot summer day.
Can you resist the temptation?  

For further information about Dalukuan Amusement Park and Hong Qi Organic Farms,
please refer to the following website.

大路觀主題樂園Dalukuan Amusement Park

鴻旗有機休閒農場Hong Qi Organic Farms


早上大路觀 園區內可野餐,記得準備自己的午餐哦!! 
Go picnicking at Dalukuan Amusement Park in the morning.
Don't forget to prepare your own lunch.
Visit Hong Qi Organic Farms in the afternoon.
活動結束建議去屏東市內一家軍隊風的餐廳晚餐 (不硬性參加)
Have dinner at a military style restaurant in Ping-tung City.(Optional)
Free charge for child under 7 years old

Please contact our MVP, Jason Wu, for registration.

※Date: 2015/7/19
※ 集合地點 8:50 中正技擊館or 9:50 大路關主題樂園停車場
    Please gather at 8:50 at Martial Arts Stadium or 
                            at 9:50 at parking place of Dalukuan Amusement Park.

欲戲水者 記得帶套衣物來換哦!
If you would like to enjoy some water game, please prepare extra clothes.

PS. 不收活動費用 門票 餐費 各付各的 如需共乘 搭便車者 請付給司機150 做為車資~~
Note: If you need to share a ride, please pay NT$150 to driver.
          The fee of activity should be paid by yourself.

Come and join ALE MAX !!!

You'll never know what you will learn until you becoming part of us.

And we need you to be part of us to help ALE MAX better and better.

See you at 19:30-21:30 on July 21, 2015.

To see what happened at our Meeting No. 284

    Dear all,

    Thank you for attending tonight's meeting even when it's raining outside.
    But I believe you didn't regret.
    Tonight we have excellent speakers sharing the tips for defeating Mers-Cov, 
    impression about Vietnam and the story about Caogong Canal.
    In our Table Topic session, we play guessing games.
    For Evaluation Session, senior members offers constructive suggestions.
    LE shared us wonder sentence being used during the meeting.

    Finally, let's see tonight's best.
    Best Speaker: Amanda Hsu
    Best Table Topic Speaker: Stanley Yang
    Best Evaluator: Jonathan Chen
    Best Session Master: Jason Wu