Sunday, March 29, 2009

Study Gathering (Mar. 31)

Tips for being Toastmasters
In Toastmasters, you learn by participating. During club meetings you will participate in many roles, and each one is a learning experience. Would you like to learn more tips for doing a good job? Just join the study gathering on Mar. 31!

Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm, Tuesday, Mar. 31
Charge: Buy yourself a drink!
No.11, Jintian Rd., Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mei-Lun Outing

Hello, this is Julie Tsai, the member of ALE MAX, I’m a member who usually join our club’s outing. Because it’s really interesting and fun.
The outing of March – Cycling in Mei-lung. This time, it’s not just our club’s own outing, our staff invite other toastmaster club’s member to join outing, have a chance to meet each other, to know other club’s member after meeting. At that day, I met Dick Fu that from ScienTech and his families and Casey Lin that from YuanShan. You know!? I’ve not see them for a long time. It’s a rare chance and I’m very glad I’ve joined this outing.
There are about 35~40 members joining this outing, when everyone got on the bike, started to cycling, we were like a troop marched in Mei-lung, What a amazing and great activity. Even some of local people cheer for us, it was interesting.
During the activity, our professional tour guide and member-Alex, he leaded us to visit many Historic site, ex.東門樓,敬字亭,美濃舊橋…etc., the only one shop in Taiwan sell藍布杉that Hakka people wore before, the most special is that the old maser is 100 years old and be called national treasure.
We rode on the country road, enjoyed the view of Mei-lung, took deep breath with fresh air and saw the farm with green grass or plants. Relaxing ourselves and also doing exercise when cycling. In lunch time, of course we ate traditional local Hakka food. Then went to famous handcraft souvenir shop. It was quiet a easy and busy day. I really enjoyed it a lot. Very appreciate our staff and outing master, Alex, they were really working hard for this outing. So, everyone, don’t wait and see, just join us, you can get more than you expect.

By Juile Tasi

Wednesday, March 18, 2009



此次參加ALE MAX Toastmasters Club 的活動,來到美濃踩著鐵馬,享受一下田野風光。

因為身負活動攝影的責任,所以選擇了協力車後座的位置,以方便拍照。辛苦我的前座駕駛 Newman, 載著我來回奔波。不過留下了不少活動的紀錄,也算是值得。


By Jonathan

美濃鐵馬行 at EveryTrail

Map created by EveryTrail:GPS Geotagging

March Outing

Photo by: Jonathan Chen

If you have want to share please send to PRVP

Sunday, March 15, 2009


今天, 2009年3月15日星期日, Toastmasters 社團由 ALE MAX 分會主辦, 廣邀南部地區各分會共襄盛舉, 辦了一場美濃客家庄單車之旅.
1. 早上10點, 在客家文物館停車場集合, 點名及領車.
2. 上午參觀中正湖, 天后宮, 美濃舊橋, 錦興藍杉, 東門.
3. 中午在東門附近一間餐廳用廳.
4. 下午參觀美濃幾間古厝, 水橋, 原鄉緣文化館, 敬字亭. 大約下午4時結束.

今天參加的社團會員及親友們, 大約40人, 想想看, 至少35輛的單車, 在美濃街上竄來竄去, 聲勢不可說不大, 也代表 ALE MAX 主辦這次活動, 辦得非常的成功. ScienTech到了Dick 一家三口, Jeremy and Peggy 一家四口, YuanShan 由 Casey Lin 代表, Elite 則由 Chin-chen Lu 領軍, 其餘30餘人均為 ALE MAX 的會員及朋友, 也由此可見, ALE MAX 是一個具活力的社團, 我們要向他們學習.
1. 地點及行程路線為大眾化的規格, 適合親子共遊, 也適合來自各方會員們的聯誼.
2. 事先宣導得宜, 製作精美的文宣資料, 雖然其他分會到場的會員並不多, 一點兒也不損活動的品質.
3. 分工細密, 分為宣傳推廣組, 活動組, 財務組等, 各由 ALE MAX 分會的幹部擔任, 彼此之間連絡良好, 達到社團學習 Leadership 的目的.
4. 出發前, 先介紹來自不同分會的會員, 讓參加者從互不熟悉, 到騎單車途中可以侃侃而談, 達到社團學習 Communication 的目的.
5. 總領隊 Alex 本身為專任導覽員, 事先場勘, 蒐集資料, 在沿途景點解說中, 言之有物, 會員們收獲良多.
6. ALE MAX 的公關副會長 Lillian Chen 特別要求筆者寫一篇報導, 達到社團 Evaluation 的核心價值.

同時, 我也願意提供一些我的意見, 讓下次的活動, 能更原滿:
1. 人數太多, 掌控起來比較不容易, 行進間, 如能編組5-10人為一小隊, 指派小隊長, 負責沿途會友們的安全照顧, 又可避免走丟.
2. 響應環保及節能減碳, 事先能宣導自備環保筷, 那就更佳了.

美中不足的是, 筆者在活動快要結束, 騎著單車快要到集合點-客家文物館時, 筆者左右大腿忽然不聽使喚, 開始抽筋. 無法完成全部的行程, 實在不好意思. 承蒙多位會友協助之下, 把我及內人的單車送回, 事後並有多位會友打電話關切, 也特別在此表示謝意.

本次活動在 ALE MAX 會長 Jason 的領導, Alex 的規劃及導覽之下, 圓滿成功, 受到全體參加會員及親友們的大聲"謝謝啦!!!"

By Dick Fu (Scien Tech Toastmasters)!25417A111B10FF76!1343.entry

Monday, March 2, 2009

Outing Karaoke

Table topic practice #987461: How do you feel about the karaoke outing?

Preface: I find the sprite of toastmaster makes everything changed, including this Karaoke event.

Body: (here comes the personal experience…) When I walked into the event that day, I felt a strong force sprayed around the room. Although people looked hesitating to order the song in the beginning of the party, I scented the atmosphere was heated up as the room getting crowded. When Darlene came up with her creative plan, the show was begun. The songs were none- stop ordered and the melody echoed in the room. (and now the twist…) Suddenly, the king of dance showed up in the middle of room. With the rapid body swing and smoothly low down motion, the king led everybody to the top of the world. It was just like a bomb blasting and the hesitation was totally wiped out from everyone’s mind. As the time went by, friendship and happiness floated in the air. ( yellow flag...)

Ending: (back to the main idea, O! ya…) It’s a wonderful karaoke event. The people I met and the joy we shared brought me an unforgettable memory. This memory, I think, is some kind of magician which happened in the every moment when you in the Ale toastmaster.

By: Yilin Chen