Saturday, December 31, 2011


Dear all:

      Ale Max Toastmaster Club will pospone our meeting to Jan. 8th, 2012. So, please don’t go to 高雄商旅 on Jan. 3rd,2012. Our next meeting time will be on Jan. 17th, 2012, welcome to join the meeting in 高雄商旅.

      Ale Max Toastmaster Club 將延後2012年第一次的會議時間到 1/8, 所以1/3請別到高雄商旅參加會議暫停一次。 我們下次在高雄商旅的會議時間是 1/17 ,請大家來參加。

     The following is AMTC #200 meeting information. 
     日期:Jan. 8th, 2012 (Sunday)
     時間:11:30am – 16:30pm
式:Pot Lot Party (指每個人帶一道菜來跟大家分享)
     地點: 高雄市鳳山建國路三段 555號 (建國路/九如路/澄清路交叉口 悅讀水世紀宴會廳)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

12/17 X'mas Party in 屏東福灣

个个个个个个 Toastmasters聖誕節PARTY開始報名囉!个个个个个个

日期: Dec. 17th., 2011
時間: 6:00pm ~ 9:30pm
地點: 福灣莊園
票價: NTD700/人, 12歲以下小孩 NTD350/人

(如含 紅色/白色/銀色/金色 等顏色的服裝)

時間 內容
18:00 ~ 18:30 Social time
18:30 ~ 18:40 Opening
18:40 ~ 19:30 Dinner time
19:30 ~ 20:20 團康活動
20:20 ~ 20:30 禮物傳情
20:30 ~ 21:20 Dancing time
21:20 ~ 21:30 Closing

12/4 Ale Max Toastmasters Outing

又到了Ale Max Toastmaster Outing的活動,在刺激的戶外Paint-Ball後,緊接在聖誔節之前,來個知性之旅。本次的活動以輕鬆悠閒為主,期待你!


期以形似 吶喊 的種子
⋯⋯ 讓人感受到的小小種子
和平共處、欣欣共榮 !!

千畦種子另一個名子為 “植物的家” “綠手指關懷協會”,位於全台南東豐路上巷子內,在這裡我們回到最初的希望,小小的種子,孕育了滿滿的生命與希望!!台江四草隧道,台灣第一條人工運河,號稱「台灣迷你型的亞馬遜河,水鳥、招潮蟹、五梨跤,海茄苳都在這裡!! 」只有參加ALE MAX的活動,讓您一次滿足!!

Friday, August 5, 2011


勇士們 前進吧

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Alemax Toastmaster Club莫迪里亞尼的饗宴

PS 本項展覽到9/4號
而我們就在Alemax Toastmaster Club 的聚會中,靜靜的體驗氣質與文化的饗宴

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2011/07/19 C4 Speech - Sophia Lu (Best Speaker)

Title: Your Positive Words

Dear fellow members and guests, good evening!

Since my project in Competent Communicator manual this time is “How to say it!”, so before starting, I would like all of you to see the following film. Here you are!

~ (Film plays)

“Words are powerful to everyone. We can change our attitude by someone’s words with insight or be healed by someone’s words with comfort. It’s so obvious in this film.

We had this kind of experience since childhood and can see the same situation in the office or at home. Like a mother scolding the child “How can I have such a child as you?” or your boss yelling at you “Even the pig is smarter than you.”

Actually verbal violence, just like physical violence; will injure people. Perhaps it’s even worse, because damage to the body will heal, but damage to the mind lasts forever.

Now let me show you some pictures, they are:

Picture 1: very funny, is it? But if you are the employee, can you laugh comfortably? I doubt it.

Picture 2: Once my teacher told me that a row of bushes, if people walk cross the same place on it, what will that place become? The bush no longer will grow and it will turn to dirt slowly.

My boss likes to say “You only do office work, if even that you cannot do well, then you are really useless."Or my sister always says “How come our looks are like mother like daughter, but the words you say are so stupid." It makes me feel like I am a loser and a total failure. But, I became the loser, because others “MAKE” me so.

Positive language can make us better
Looking at a boss scolding an employee, attacking him for a long time, the boss is indifferent, he does not care, but the verbal damage could have serious consequences. Being an employer, you must be very careful with the way you speak to the employee, do not insult or ridicule the person who is making money for you. Do not use the method of goading someone into action, as they may lack self-confidence, goading them will just make things worse.

Before you scold him with something like “even the pig is smarter than you”, please think twice, is he really that bad? If he will help your business and share sorrow for you, please do not scold him or call him a pig, because a pig cannot do these things.

The new officer team of ALE MAX can hopefully receive positive responses from our members; with your support we will be better and better. Your positive words will be the best gift this coming year.


Monday, July 11, 2011

2011/07/05 Lillian's A3 Speech

A3 speech: The Persuasive Approach, 5 to 7 minutes
Title: Control Your Nervousness

Day dream: (演)
TM: Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me to welcome the best speaker of ALE MAX, Lillian Tseng.
Lillian Tseng: It’s my honor to get this award; I have worked so hard to memorize my speech and kick away my nervousness. Thank you! Thank you!
TM: Lillian, wake up!

Oops! I am so sorry! Speaking in front of an audience is not easy. My hands are sweaty and getting cold, my heart is pounding, my knees are shaking, and I can’t remember what I wanted to say. Most of you may feel the same when you stand on stage. I have been through it. I delivered my C1 speech in 2003 and C2 in 2005; that's almost 2 years between these speeches. Why? Because I was afraid to delivery a speech. For most of my speeches I had to do them twice. But, I did not run away; I did other assignments such as being TM, TT, or GE to grab every chance I can to speak on stage. I have conquered my fears. Now, I'm here to talk about the 10 tips that can help you control your nervousness.
(show the powerpoint)
1. Know your material. Pick a topic you’re interested in. Use humor, personal story and simple sentences to say it. This way you won’t forget easily what to say.
2. Practice. Practice. Practice. Rehearse; estimate the time; practice with the props you need. This can help you delivery your speech smoothly.
3. Know the audience. Arrive early, greet audience members individually. It’s easier to speak to friends than to strangers.
4. Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area, test the microphone, set up equipments such as the projector.
5. Relax. Relax your body, take a deep breath, and count to 3 before you say anything.
6. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, with the right volume and tone. Visualize the audience give you applauses.
7. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audience want to listen to an interesting, informative and entertaining speech, they’re rooting for you.
8. Don’t apologize. Audience may not notice anything unusual until you started to apologize profusely.
9. Concentrate on the message. Focus your attention on the message and the audience, not your nervousness.
10. Gain experience. Your speech reflects you. The more speeches you do the more experience you get. Experience builds confidence.

These 10 tips are all listed on the back of your CC manual.

I was one of the nervous speakers. My mind goes blank when I stand on stage. But there is no easy way or shortcuts to become successful. You will need to do your speech over and over again. Try to get more chances to stand in front of the audience. With practice you get experience, and experience builds confidence. I believe the Toastmasters process can make you become a better speaker. Like the slogan our president set for this year: Affirm Yourself, Surpass Yourself (肯定自己,超越自己). One day, you will say goodbye to your nervousness.
Mr. Toastmaster.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2011/6/19 祥園有機生態農場收割之旅

Organic Farm Harvest Outing | 這可是開心農場的真人版!

The weather was hot, but our spirits remained high!
Planking | 仆街男孩

ALE in the field | 田園割出 ALE 字樣

Sunday, June 12, 2011

2011 Inauguration Ceremony - June 28th - 品田牧場

Dear members:

We will have an inauguration ceremony on June 28th, Tuesday. Please see the attachment for more details. Please register with me before 6/24. (我們6/28日星期二晚上有一個交接典禮,詳細內容請看附加檔案,請在6/24前跟我報名)

Restaurant - 品田牧場 (DEHP Free,絕無塑化劑,請安心用餐)
Go on their website to look at what you want to eat. (請上他們網址參考你要的餐點)

There are a few things to know... (有幾件事要告知)
1. This activity is limited to 30 people. (這活動人數限制-30人)
2. Members can bring friends to join us - member $229 non-member $329. But member is first priority. (你可以攜伴參加,會員價$229,非會員價$329,以會員為優先)
3. Vegetarians need to inform me before 6/26 so restaurant can prepare in advance. (需要素食餐者,請務必在6/26之前告知,餐廳要事先準備)
4. There is no parking space, please use public transportation. (餐廳沒有停車場,請多利用大眾運輸工具)

19:30  Warm Up Time 
19:35  Club Officers Installation - TM-Amanda Hsu
19:40  Farewell Speech - Paul Wu
19:45  Presenting Certificates to Outgoing Officer - Paul Wu
19:50  Discharge Outgoing Officers - Lillian Chen (D2 Area Governor)
19:55  Install Incoming Officers - Lillian Chen (D2 Area Governor)
20:05  Inaugural Speech - Roger Huang
20:10  Adjourn   President
20:10  Dinner

Lillian Tseng

Monday, April 4, 2011

ALE Max 開會地點






Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bridget O'Leary (歐小咪)

Bridget O'Leary 來參加 ALE Max 2011 Jan 18 例會後的感想與自我介紹. Bridget 即將在 Feb 15 的例會做個專題演講,介紹澳洲在高雄展覽的一些藝術品,還有她自己的作品. 當晚的例會歡迎會內與會外的人來參加. 影片也可直接上 youtube 觀看,畫面會比較大:

Monday, January 31, 2011

ALE Max 尾牙, 2011 Jan 30

[ 出菜清單 ]
Jason捲餅 (+說好的幸福)
棠爸,茜百,麻吉生魚片 (+卡啦OK,羽毛球)
Newman白酒 (+Xbox360 Kinect)
Sophia紅酒 (+精美酒杯)

也感謝所有其他會員包括 LillianC, Welly, Ryan, RogerC, Julie, Mercy, Henry, Wade.