Tuesday, October 12, 2010

電影: Wall Street

ALE MAX 明天有個小小的 outing; 一起去看 Wall Street 第二集.
讓我們回到23年前, Wall Street 第一集出來的時候.
這是當時1987年的預告片. Charlie Sheen 年輕時實在是帥到爆!!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


2010-9-19 Sun 7:31am 攝於花蓮縣壽豐鄉東華大學學生宿舍



Saturday, September 11, 2010

轉載至 2010-09-10 工商時報:



於八月底美國加州Palm Desert市舉行的第七十九屆國際演講協會世界年度大會中,經過三輪激烈的競爭投票後,中華民國演講協會的顏瑛宗( George Yen) 以9365票對7801票的懸殊比數,成功擊退來自美國及,加拿大等地對手,嬴得國際演講協會新任世界總會第二副總會長榮銜。顏瑛宗先生三年後亦將接任國際演講協會世界總會長一職。



中華民國國際演講協會 (www.toastmasters.org.tw) 為一非營利組織,是國際演講協會 ( Toastmasters International, www.toastmasters.org )的地區總會之一(全世界有 一萬多個演講協會分會,分佈於一百一十三個國家),亦是內政部登記有案的民間團體。目前台灣有超過一百五十個分會,使用的語言有英語 、日語、國語、閩南語、客語,組織成員有各行各業的一般社會大眾、學生、專業人士、及社區居民。本會遵循世界總會的宗旨與訓練模式,訓練會員演講技巧、琢磨溝通藝術、發揚語文趣味,以及培養領導人才。中華民國國際演講協會,提供一個積極、互助、學習、成長的園地,每一位會員透過實地上台演練,學習到溝通和領導的技巧,進而培養自信。在這裡您將會找到您自己獨特的個人魅力,和感受到團體學習的樂趣與收穫。目前在台灣的會員約四千人,全世界的會員約四十萬人。


吳咨杏 ( Jorie Wu, DTM) 0928-808-321 Jorie@open-quest.com

王維君( Victoria Wang, ATM-S) 0955-755-699 victoria.wang@mail.com

羅中良( Candice Lo, DTM) 0963-000-618 candicedtm@gmail.com


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


炎熱的夏天... 想要跳進清涼的泳池裡嗎?



Wednesday, August 4, 2010


There are few questions that I need your feedback regarding to my speech on Aug. 3rd, 2010.

You many just answer 1 question.

What is your _____________ commercial advertisement? Why? (Please introduce to us)

* Favorite
* Impressive
* Funniest
* Touchiest
* Unbelievable

For example:
Question - What is your Favorite commercial advertisement? Why?

Answer - My favorite commercial advertisement is from Taipei Bank about Lottery advertisement. Because it meet my expectation, win the jackpot. And the slogan is short and easy to remember "You want one? Daddy buys for you!"

The URL is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eBDJa8Mf8A.

From Lillian Tseng

Please see your e-mail on how to leave the comment on the Ale Max Website. If you have trouble to leave your comment here, please contact with me at lilliantseng@livemail.tw.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I am going to talk about "Commercial Advertisement, please take a look the following commercial first. Thanks! Lillian Tseng

Dear all:

According to my A10 speech project - "Enhancing a Technical Talk with the Internet", 1 of objective required me to send out my reference before speech.
It can help audiences understand what am I going to talk about. Obviously, I am going to talk about "Commercial Advertisement". So, please take a look the following commercial first.

經典廣告 1. 台北銀行 – 公益彩卷 樂透彩

經典廣告 2. 全國電子 – 分期付款 冰箱篇

經典廣告 3. 全家便利商店 – 好神公仔 拜請篇

經典廣告 4. SK-II – 劉嘉玲 五年篇

經典廣告歌曲 5. 克異香 – 公車篇


Lillian Tseng

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

outing information

Dear all,


1. 八大森林遊樂區



Thursday, March 4, 2010

In club contest result

Dear All,

Our in club contest has been completed this Tuesday, Manya will represent our club to enter the area contest on Mar. 14. She will rehearse her speech at de cafe Magic Lisa this Saterday (3/6) at 12:00 noon, if you have time please show up to give our biggest support to her.

It is our honor to have such as excellent speaker in our club, hope she can like last contest to represent district to enter natioanl contest. Your support is the strength for her.

Below is Mayna's script, please take a look, if you have better idea please feel free to contact her.

The Art of Happiness
It was a chilly day during Chinese New Year, my 90-year-old great grandfather came to visit us. When asked the secret to his longevity, he smiled he slowly pulled out a red envelope from his pocket.
According to a study conducted by Pittsburg University, happy people on average lived 8 years longer than their unhappy counterparts. Unfortunately, happiness doesn't run in my family; my mother isn't exactly very optimistic. She'd nag me to find a good job and marry a rich husband or I'll end up miserable for the rest of my life. So I listened to her and found myself a very well paid and rewarding job. Was I happy? No! I was too busy pleasing my boss. Then I finally found a trophy bf, who was handsome, rich, senstive, intelligent and who loved me dearly. Was I happy? No! I was too busy pleasing him. Many of us are too busy chasing happiness from others or social status that we forgot happiness is just state of mind.
When I looked back on my life, I realized that I'm happier than ever. To tell you the truth: I only work six hours a week, hence I receive minimum pay. I'd be lucky to pay my bills. Yes, I'm not materialistically rich, yet I'm spiritually rich. Plus, not being able to buy new clothers is good for the environment anyway. Being single and available also means I have more free time for myself and I can give more love and energy to people who need it.
When I was growing up, one of my childhood nicknames was "Shorty" and I felt very insecure about myself, I always wore high heels, trying to make my legs look a bit longer. Thanks to doing yoga, I feel more connected with myself now. Do you think Lin Chih Ling can do this? (a yoga pose) Besides, being compact means I'm more grounded and I don't have to worry about bumping my head when there's a low ceiling. Have you noticed the shoes I'm wearing today?
"Every coin has two sides." And it's up to us which side to look at. For example, it's raining outside, you can decide to curse the weather and feel miserable for the rest of the day or you can feel happy for the thirsty flowers and trees and refreshing air.
Always look on the bright side of life" Last year, I had a traffic accident which broke my feet and I had an operation. For the first three days , I couldn't even make a trip to the bathroom. There was an old lady who stayed at the hospital with me then. Like me, she broke her leg, but with the help of the walker, she could go to the bathroom. I looked at her green with envy and thought to myself: "How I wish I could walk like her". Ironically, I used to think if one day I had to walk with a crane or walker, I'd rather shoot myself to death.
Thanks to the accident, I've learned to count the blessings. We often focus on what's missing in our lives rather than what we have. Now not only can I go to the bathroom without help, I can also run, dance and even climb the mountains. I'd really trade the world with that. Yes, what can be happier than moving freely?
Happiness is within everyone of us. And it's up to you to wake up your happy cells. Always look on the bright side of life and count your blessings and you'll get the key to happiness. So let me ask you a very important question. Are you happy? Yes! Give me another bigger yes! Yes!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Induction Ceremony Attendance sheet

Dear All,

We will hold a new member induction ceremony on Jan. 19. Please show up that day as possible as you can, we will order some pizzas to celebrate. You also can invite your friends to attend this ceremony, but please advise us before Jan. 18, , we need to know how many people will be there in advance.