C5 speech (Your Body Speaks, 5 to 7 minutes)
by Roger Chen
Title: Like father like son
Delivered on 2008/7/1(AMTC)
• Use stance, movement, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact toexpress tour message and achieve your speech’s purpose.
• Make your body language smooth and natural.
• Focus on methods of delivery, but do not overlook speech content.
As you all know I am specialized in produce ‘babies’, but today I don’t want totell you how to ‘produce’ more babies. Because most of you are single, I’d liketo tell you how my son influences my live.
Good evening, my dear fellow members,I have three children, two girls and one boy. Of course son is the youngest one.Some of you might criticize me ‘conservative’ because you might though that Iwant a son to inherit my property, but the fact is: it is an accident. My wife was33 when she found we might have a new baby, in that time my older daughter is9 years old and the younger is 5. Actually, I was not welcome the baby in mymind because I afraid I might have one more daughter that my house willbecome 3,000 kg. However, I told to my wife: you make the decision and I willalways support you, whatever you decide to keep or not. Thanks God, my wifedecide to keep the baby and finally we have a son.I found boy is totally different from girl and someone tell me son is the shadowreflected from father. I agree with. My son always do what I did in my childrenhood.He always make a lot of fun to our family, for example, one day he told us thathe is a magician and he will show a magic to us. Then he took off his pants toshowed his bird and said: look! It is a small bird, and he started to swing hisbird, and said: ‘See! It become a big bird! How powerful I am! Dad and ma, Ishowed this magic to my classmate, and the girls said I am a super hero. I willdo it again tomorrow! Oh! We were shocked! However, his grandma (of courseshe is my dear ma) told me, Don’t be shocked you did the same thing when youwere 6 years old!The younger boy always ask the same question, for example, when we tookshower together, he asked me ‘dad, why your bird is so big and has long hair?Why my bird is so small?
Is he funny? I believe each child is parents’ angel, it also a burden to parents.However, my children make power for me. Every time, I was inspired by themwhen I feel frustrated in my work. They are the energy that push me to goforward. So, do you admire me? If yes, please to look for your Mr or Miss Right,marry him or her, then you will have your baby. The angel for you send fromGod!Thank you! Toastmaster!
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