Title: The smartest student; the greatest teacher
Your baby is so smart. He is so earlier that he can say thank you or sorry. He is a well-family educated baby. These compliments are so sweet and so comfortable for us.
Baby is the smartest student, or the smartest human being. However, it needs to have the greatest teacher to teach.
A special experience and important lesson happened on me from my daughter.. My daughter, eight months ago, six month old at that time, she was able to sound voice and say pa, We were very happy that she can do that, and is getting loudly day by day. But at the same time, she often sound a very noisy voice we are very familiar with. Who taught her? Until one day. When I opened the door of the bathroom, I know that answer. She imitated the voice. Suddently I know why my daughter is smarter than me. Do you know what? Curioisty. She is curious about everything what she saw, she listened, she touched, she smell. Then she imitated it at will. There is a much stronger desire inside her mind to get knowledge. It is as much as food, game, and love. I were so sorry to her because I offer her not good, unuseful message to imitate.
Right now my daughter she is one and half year old, and she studied and she is able to sit down, climb, ride bicycle, eat food by herself, hold something to stand very well. Now she is still studying walk. Do you figure out one thing? It is also very important.
Yes, she is happy. She is very very happy to study every brand new actions. She did it, and she enjoy. That is another very important thing I ignore for a while.
Don’t say stop Our daughter is very naughty. But you know, it is normal. If she is not naughty, I worry. She likes to adventure, tries new things. Because she is curious.
Because she is naughty to throw toys away, extract toilet tissue out piece by piece. I am angry and sometimes say stop a little loudly, and she shocked, stop action and cry. You know, the shock keeps in her mind. Everytime I say stop, or No, she cries. It is a bad experience for her. I am regret to do that to her. So ladies and gentleman, if the children do something naughty or dangerous, it maybe do something to transfer their attention instead of order or threaten him or her loudly.
I am still a freshman when being a father, no a teacher. However, being her teacher is not only to care about her body requirement, but also provide a healthy, and complete environment to study.
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