good morning!!! one of those really early mornings.
something i made earlier...
the schedule upset by a time delay
a hope and an expectation thrown into disarray
what should already be here
seems at a distance, too far to bear
but finally with a bit of luck
the cost of a few bucks
the dream is formed
a sun's ray through the summer storm
a lazy lethargic start
how can two ever be apart
if separation only means a future once again
the wait would be worth, another link to the chain
the crowd, the smoke and noise
amongst it all, two individuals shared one poise
they are in a field of concentration
an involvement, visual penetration
the pinnacle of the occasion
holds itself in a different fashion
words made its way through silence
images fluttered through minds in the subconscience
for one never has to say much
if not at all, but through touch
how much more is required?
treasure those still moments, never are they tired
someone once said,
`great minds think alike, fools seldom differ`
when you find that piece of mind, limits would be tried
great minds look to proceed, foolish ones may be tied
the balance to weigh these out
is on a pivot within us and about
one's mind can be both great and foolish
the thinking always alike but the thoughts are to relish
i've already said too much
i'll leave it up to the melody's clutch
the tune is becoming more familiar
i'm satisfied with the blurriness among the clear
by the way, i have a pink ribbon in my hair this morning!!! heeee...... i don't know why that is, but it's there along with the all important `rubber band`!!
oh... and, whateva happened to emily? like, i haven't seen her for ages! she' can't have fallen off the face of the planet cause you'd have to go very far to do that and she can't possibly have the time. then again, how can you fall off right? the Earth is round... unless i am mistaken and we actually live on the back of a turtle... mmm...
start to the week..... take care lots
monday blues.... you fear not
five more days to the weekend
troubles never last that long, they'd bend
into a curvey line
with two dots above
a smiling face would appear (along with mine!!)
and with it comes... a lot of love!!!
hava great great one and many many more!
ling ling (+ribbon in hair!!!)
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