Wednesday, July 8, 2015

ALE MAX Outing in July, 2015 / 七月份和ALE MAX一起去郊遊

Dear all,

It's summer time!!!

Here comes our first outing in this new term.
We'll visit Dalukuan Amusement Park and Hong Qi Organic Farms.

There are many water game facilities at Dalukuan Amusement Park.
It's quite suitable for this season.
If you can't stand for the hot weather, you should join this outing to cool down.

Hong Qi Organic Farms are famous for pitaya.
Imagine the feeling of eating juicy pitaya at hot summer day.
Can you resist the temptation?  

For further information about Dalukuan Amusement Park and Hong Qi Organic Farms,
please refer to the following website.

大路觀主題樂園Dalukuan Amusement Park

鴻旗有機休閒農場Hong Qi Organic Farms


早上大路觀 園區內可野餐,記得準備自己的午餐哦!! 
Go picnicking at Dalukuan Amusement Park in the morning.
Don't forget to prepare your own lunch.
Visit Hong Qi Organic Farms in the afternoon.
活動結束建議去屏東市內一家軍隊風的餐廳晚餐 (不硬性參加)
Have dinner at a military style restaurant in Ping-tung City.(Optional)
Free charge for child under 7 years old

Please contact our MVP, Jason Wu, for registration.

※Date: 2015/7/19
※ 集合地點 8:50 中正技擊館or 9:50 大路關主題樂園停車場
    Please gather at 8:50 at Martial Arts Stadium or 
                            at 9:50 at parking place of Dalukuan Amusement Park.

欲戲水者 記得帶套衣物來換哦!
If you would like to enjoy some water game, please prepare extra clothes.

PS. 不收活動費用 門票 餐費 各付各的 如需共乘 搭便車者 請付給司機150 做為車資~~
Note: If you need to share a ride, please pay NT$150 to driver.
          The fee of activity should be paid by yourself.

1 comment:

jason5 said...

great activity