Title: Your Positive Words
Dear fellow members and guests, good evening!
Since my project in Competent Communicator manual this time is “How to say it!”, so before starting, I would like all of you to see the following film. Here you are!
~ (Film plays)
“Words are powerful to everyone. We can change our attitude by someone’s words with insight or be healed by someone’s words with comfort. It’s so obvious in this film.
We had this kind of experience since childhood and can see the same situation in the office or at home. Like a mother scolding the child “How can I have such a child as you?” or your boss yelling at you “Even the pig is smarter than you.”
Actually verbal violence, just like physical violence; will injure people. Perhaps it’s even worse, because damage to the body will heal, but damage to the mind lasts forever.
Now let me show you some pictures, they are:
Picture 1: very funny, is it? But if you are the employee, can you laugh comfortably? I doubt it.
Picture 2: Once my teacher told me that a row of bushes, if people walk cross the same place on it, what will that place become? The bush no longer will grow and it will turn to dirt slowly.
My boss likes to say “You only do office work, if even that you cannot do well, then you are really useless."Or my sister always says “How come our looks are like mother like daughter, but the words you say are so stupid." It makes me feel like I am a loser and a total failure. But, I became the loser, because others “MAKE” me so.
Positive language can make us better
Looking at a boss scolding an employee, attacking him for a long time, the boss is indifferent, he does not care, but the verbal damage could have serious consequences. Being an employer, you must be very careful with the way you speak to the employee, do not insult or ridicule the person who is making money for you. Do not use the method of goading someone into action, as they may lack self-confidence, goading them will just make things worse.
Before you scold him with something like “even the pig is smarter than you”, please think twice, is he really that bad? If he will help your business and share sorrow for you, please do not scold him or call him a pig, because a pig cannot do these things.
The new officer team of ALE MAX can hopefully receive positive responses from our members; with your support we will be better and better. Your positive words will be the best gift this coming year.
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