Wednesday, August 4, 2010


There are few questions that I need your feedback regarding to my speech on Aug. 3rd, 2010.

You many just answer 1 question.

What is your _____________ commercial advertisement? Why? (Please introduce to us)

* Favorite
* Impressive
* Funniest
* Touchiest
* Unbelievable

For example:
Question - What is your Favorite commercial advertisement? Why?

Answer - My favorite commercial advertisement is from Taipei Bank about Lottery advertisement. Because it meet my expectation, win the jackpot. And the slogan is short and easy to remember "You want one? Daddy buys for you!"

The URL is

From Lillian Tseng

Please see your e-mail on how to leave the comment on the Ale Max Website. If you have trouble to leave your comment here, please contact with me at


Anonymous said...

兩個不錯,很有創意的相機廣告, Panasonic TS1 (就是我用的那一台). 廣告這相機防水,防摔,可錄HD品質的影片:


Anonymous said...

Paul, thank you!

Lillian Tseng

Anonymous said...

My funniest commercial advertisement is the 芬達 soft drink. The funniest point is the different senior high school teachers, for example they are DJ, general..., can you imagin you have those kinds of teachers? see the following vedio, you will understand what I am saying, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forget to post my name....I am Roger Huang ^^

Unknown said...

For your question, I like impressive and funny cm is "每朝綠茶" recently, when you saw this cm at begging, you never know what this cm selling about, until finish watching, you'll know happand for whole cm. There a short story in this cm, so funny~ please take a look it~

julie tsai

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Roger Huang and Julie Tsai.

Lillian Tseng