Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2009/01/20 Language Reprt

English Debug by: Roger Chen

Let me help you to do your work.
An:Let me help you with your work.

I recommend you to take a long vacation.
An:I recommend that you take a long vacation.

Come to here.
An:Come here.

The sun rises from the East.
An:The sun rises in the East.

Let's begin from page 10.
An:Let's begin at (on) page 10.

Please wait inside the white line.
An:Please wait behind the white line.

I have no house to live.
An:I have no house to live in.

What a dirty face! Look at the mirror.
What a dirty face! Look in the mirror.

This is the key of my room.
An:This is the key to my room.

It is not of only your business.
An:It is none of your business.

May I borrow your phone?
An:May I use your phone?

He becomes better.
An:He got better.

I forget my key in the house.
An:I left my key in the house.

She was first prize.
An:She took first prize.

Is this seat empty?
An:Is this seat taken?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

勿忘初衷 inspired by Randy Pausch


今天參加Toastmasters 時,再度聽到 Randy Pausch 這個名字,讓我想到我ㄧ值想寫卻沒動筆的一篇文章。

“We don’t beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully"


Randy Pauch (October 23, 1960 – July 25, 2008) ,當知道自己的時日無多時,你會怎麼面對剩下的生活? Randy 在Carnegie Mellon University 的一場講座裡告訴大家,如何過一個有無悔的人生。


雖然從事的事資訊電腦的教學,可是所指導的多媒體課程,卻不忘同時結合人本與藝術。以引導的方式讓科技有了生命力。校方最後紀念Randy 的方式,是在該校的資訊學院與藝術學院間建了一座以他為名的橋。

在一個多小時的演講中,Randy 以詼諧的口吻敘述了他兒時的夢想與他如何實現了這些夢想,全場笑聲不斷。對一個癌症病患來說,你不會覺得那是強顏歡笑,因為在他的一生自始自終都是以樂觀的態度來面對他的人生。


以下連結是演講的實況,完整的演講也可以在youtube 上面找的到。演講全程的中文翻譯書 書局也都有鋪貨。

影片中文版翻譯來自於魔戒一書的譯者 『朱學恆』--(另一位宅男界的怪咖)

很感謝他把這樣的Randy Pausch 介紹給大家

華爾街日報對Randy Pausch 演講的介紹


Randy Pausch 演講 1/11 (全部分11段,其餘部分請上youtube 尋找)

Monday, January 19, 2009

meeting 131 Report

Meeting 131 Report

Date: January 06, 2009

Venue: 鄔珍那斯特庭園餐廳

Theme: New Year New Wish

Toastmasters of Evening was Newman Chang, who is first time to take this assignment in this year. It was also Weiya party

This meeting we have two speakers, first speaker is Herman Hung, this is his C4 speech and he did a good job. Second speaker is Mayna Chien, she cheered up the audiences successfully.

General Evaluation was Henry Tsai. Our evaluators were doing well. All the evaluators gave the speakers some suggestions, so speakers and members can learn from it.

Table Topic Master was Jane Yang. Every one shared the feeling about ALE MAX club and then played lucky draw, it was the most exciting section. Did you like your gift

The award go to .........

Best Evaluator : Tina Wen

寄件者 meeting

Best Speakers : Mayna Chien.

寄件者 meeting

The restaurant was so romantic at night, we all had a good time in Weiya party.

寄件者 meeting
寄件者 meeting

Year End Party

Monday, January 12, 2009

Meeting 130 Report

Meeting 130 Report

Date: December 16, 2008

Venue: Evergreen Hotel

Theme: 2009

Toastmasters of Evening was Julie Tsai, who is first time to take this assignment in this year.

This meeting we have four speaker, first speaker is our New member, Roger Huang, he did a good ice breaker speech to introduce himself. Second speaker is Newman, he introduce what he has learned about the Palm reading, this is his C4 speech. Third speaker is humorous Alex, he share some meanings of Morse code, like “aid, love, etc.” Last is our president, Jason, he did Education Orientation to remind us Meeting Roles and Responsibilities.

Table Topic Master was Jonathan Chen. His questions were about the plans of this year and next year.

1. In this year, what plans do you want to did, but you do not?

2. In next year, what plans do you want to did, and why?

3. What is your most unforgettable memory in 2008?

4. What is your most unforgettable memory in 2008 outing?

5. What is changed in our club after Jason assuming president?

General Evaluation was Darlene Lu. Our evaluators were doing well. All the evaluators gave the speakers some suggestions, so speakers and members can learn from it.

Finally Language Evaluator, Amanda Hsu, reminded us some details of grammar and we learned a lot from it.

The awards were go to ............

Best Table Topic : Darlene Lu

寄件者 meeting

Best Evaluator: Tina Wen

寄件者 meeting

Best Speakers was Alex Sher.( You can see his script on the blog).

寄件者 meeting

Then, we gave congratulations to Darlene Lu, because she get the certificate of Area D3 Governor

This meeting we had two gussets come to visit us. We are welcome them to visit us again and join us.

At the end, officers had some announcement to make.

  • 01/06, Wei-Ya Party will be hold in鄔珍那斯特庭園餐廳2F at 07:30pm and after the meeting we have a big meal.