Saturday, September 6, 2008

2008/09/02 Lanuguage Evaluator's Report

Grammarian: Mayna Chien

Say: The company is closed down. Don't say: The company is closed. (closed down sounds like they are closed forever, not just for the day.)

Say: The show girl was hurt. or She was injured. Don't say: She was damaged. (damaged is more for things, not for persons.)

Say: Tks for the great speech. Thank you very much for the speech. Don't say: Very thanks the speech.

Say: Tks for coming. Don't say: Tks for your coming.

Say: Alex is an insurance broker. Don't say: He's a insurance salesman.

Say: She's my pen pal. Don't say: She's my letter friend.

Say: I wanted to become s super model when I was a sixth grader or when I was in my sixth grade. Don't say: I wanted to become a super model when I was sixth degree.

Say: Do you mind coming here? Don't say: Don you mind come here? ( mind always comes with Ving)

Say: I feel nervous whenever I stand behind the lecturn. Don't say: I feel nervous whenever I stnad behind the stage. (To see the difference between a lecturn, you can google it with images.)

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