Wednesday, January 31, 2007

2006/12/19 Jason's A5 Speech

A5 Addressing the Opposition title: Reverse osmosis water drinking system

Speaker: Jason Wu date: 2006/12/19


Prepare a talk on a controversial subject that persuades an audience to accept or at least consider your viewpoint.

Construct the speech to appeal to the audience’s logic and emotions.

Executive summary:

Occasionally speakers must address listeners on a controversial issue or subject, one on which your viewpoint differs. A speech of this type requires sensitivity and tact. Acknowledge your listener’s viewpoint, then present your own and its benefits. Find points of agreement. Illustrate your points with stories and anecdotes, project credibility and use humor. When answering questions, remain calm and answer in a positive manner, concluding with a positive statement.

Ladies and gentlemen good evening we all know that “sun light” “air” and “water” they are three most important elements in this world, we can’t live without them. No sun light plant can’t grow no plant no food no food we will die, no air our lifespan will be shorter then 3 minutes, and then “water” in our body about 60% is water we need water to help us to absorb, digest and improve metabolism, if water is not clean it will give our body some bad effect to cause some damager. Do you belief that water treatment plant clean water well? I don’t. since industry develop well pesticide use so much and we use so much chemical thing in our daily life, these behaviors pollute our water recourse, especially in kaohsiung there are so much factories such as china steel company china petrol company, so you can imagine how much pollution our water have. Fortunately technology also develop well, water purifier can solve this problem, but the question is that they are so many water purifiers which one is good which one is really useful? It’s so difficult to make decision. In Taiwan the most popular water purifier is reverse osmosis drinking water system, but is it a good water purifier? I disagree.

Reverse osmosis has best cleaning function among water purifiers, for this part I strongly agree, but is RO water good for our body? Not really, because RO system has strong cleaning function it can filter every thing from water about 99% no mater bad thing or good thing it’s function is too strong, They are so much essential minerals in water which our body need, such as Ca P Mg Fe Na K Cr ….., if we filter it out that might cause mineral shortage make some damage to our body. In 1977 America through 9 countries 50 teams to research on purified water the report shows that purified water doesn’t contain any minerals, it will cause heart disease osteoporosis and death. About 20 years ago in middle east area because they have water shortage this problem so America use reverse osmosis this way to purify sea water let middle east people drink, after several years their children’ teeth drop down, because no essential minerals in water they have calcium shortage, this problem is serious among growing children.

Besides that RO system will waste resource and pollute environment, because make 1 liter RO water it also will make 4 liters dirty water you drink 1 liter RO water and then drain 4 liters dirty water out, dirty water flow to stream river or ocean and then dirty water pollute stream river and ocean dirty water flow to anywhere it pollute anywhere.

Ladies and gentlemen you buy RO system for what? For your health for your family’s health, but can it really protect your health? Not really. Should we use it? Our resource is limited; if we use RO system it will waste our resource should we use it? Because you have money to buy RO system, so you can enjoy purified water and then drain dirty water to pollute water resource poor men they don’t have money to buy RO system so they should die they have to drink polluted water which you pollute? Dear fellow toastmasters I know you are so kind, so I suggest you that don’t use RO system.

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