Wednesday, June 21, 2006

6/20 Jason's C10 Speech

C10 It Takes A Village To Raise a Child Jason Wu

"It Takes a village to raise a child." Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever heard of this idiom before? This idiom comes from Africa. I strongly agree with it. Educating children is important but whose responsibility is it? Teachers or parents? How about you and me? What can we do? People are social. In our life, we will meet many people and learn some things from them because we learn from each other.
When we read newspaper and watch TV news, what do you see? Normally you will see nothing but negative news, such like murder, kidnapping, scam, or celebritys' gossip. There is simply too much violence and sex. The crime rate has been more than double comparing with ten or twenty years ago. Funny thing is that as our people gain more education, they lose their moral. School girls date old men for money. Prostitutes demand work right in a public place. Since when have this kind of behaviors become acceptable? Prostitutes and gigolos are becoming popular? Is that a good thing?

There's a news story which goes that a man who likes watching strip shows so much that he spent a lot of time on it. One day, he was watching a strip show in a pub when he saw his daughter dancing as one of the stripers. Can you picture the scene? The daughter stood on stage, danced and took off her clothes. The father sat in front of stage. How pathetic! But whose fault is that?

Another news story. The police arrested a gang of motorbike racers (illegal ones) and they notified their parents to police station to bail their children out. Some parents would not believe that their kids are under arrest. They believe their children are good kids. Some of the parents didn even know where their children were. They thought their children were still sleeping. They had absoultely no idea what their children had been up to. What comes to your mind when motorbike racer whiz through your neighboorhood at night when you are sleeping? Oh! You might curse these scumballs. But again, who made them become motorbike racers?

In my C9 speech I mentioned that the strongest influence you can get is from environment. What is environment? In fact, it is people. A person will learn from different people at differnt stages of his life. When he is young, his role model maybe is his parent. After he enters school, his role model might be changed to his teacher. In his teens, his friend have more influence on him. We all play many roles in this society . We could be a friend, we could be a parent and we can be a teacaher. If we compare our society to a machine, each one of us is a little screw. We affect many people unconsciously. So we are the basic but essential element of this environment.

Back to topic, "It Takes A Village to Raise A Child", it means to provide a good environment for our children is our duty not educators'. If teachers strive to teach your children but you are not a good example, will your children turn out to be a good person? Can you expect others to do some things you don like to do? Will they obey your order? So everything starts from ourselves. We should improve ourselves and then influence our family. Many good families will consist a better society and then a strong country.

I have asked you one question in my last speech-- s TM a good environment??nbsp; Yes, I do think that TM is a good environment. I have seen many members got benefits from here. They improve themselves considerably. In this place, we learn from each other, we help each other, we grow day by day. Why don you share the benefit with your family and your friends or anyone you know? If you influence them and then they will influence other people. So this positive group of ours will become a great environment. Therefore I am sure that TM is a positive power to push our society to become better. Would you like to make a positive difference in our society? Let start from ourselves, let begin from here. Dear TM.

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