Dear members:
We will have an inauguration ceremony on June 28th, Tuesday. Please see the attachment for more details. Please register with me before 6/24. (我們6/28日星期二晚上有一個交接典禮,詳細內容請看附加檔案,請在6/24前跟我報名)
Restaurant - 品田牧場 (DEHP Free,絕無塑化劑,請安心用餐)
Go on their website to look at what you want to eat. (請上他們網址參考你要的餐點)
There are a few things to know... (有幾件事要告知)
1. This activity is limited to 30 people. (這活動人數限制-30人)
2. Members can bring friends to join us - member $229 non-member $329. But member is first priority. (你可以攜伴參加,會員價$229,非會員價$329,以會員為優先)
3. Vegetarians need to inform me before 6/26 so restaurant can prepare in advance. (需要素食餐者,請務必在6/26之前告知,餐廳要事先準備)
4. There is no parking space, please use public transportation. (餐廳沒有停車場,請多利用大眾運輸工具)
19:30 Warm Up Time
19:35 Club Officers Installation - TM-Amanda Hsu
19:40 Farewell Speech - Paul Wu
19:45 Presenting Certificates to Outgoing Officer - Paul Wu
19:50 Discharge Outgoing Officers - Lillian Chen (D2 Area Governor)
19:55 Install Incoming Officers - Lillian Chen (D2 Area Governor)
20:05 Inaugural Speech - Roger Huang
20:10 Adjourn President
20:10 Dinner
Lillian Tseng