C10 speech ( Inspire Your Audience, 8 to 10 minutes)
Title: 805 Days
Speaker: Roger Chen date: 2009/09/01
• To inspire the audience by appealing to noble motives and challenging the audience to achieve a higher level of beliefs or achievement.
• Appeal to the audience’s needs and emotions, using stories, anecdotes and quotes to add drama.
• Avoid using notes.
I didn’t have any idea when Julie called me last saturday night for asking about my speech title. Yes, I know I have to deliver my C10 speech today about 1 month ago, and it is very important to my toastmaster career. However, I didn’t know how to inspire you and this is my project objective- Inspire your audience.
So I found out all my Toastmaster things and turn my memory back to the first day when I joined Toastmaster meeting. It was Dragon Boat Festival in 2007, I received a phone call from Lillian Tseng for inviting me to attend meeting. I still remember our current president Jane made an Education Orientation in the meeting, I was impressive and I decided to become a member immediately after Lillian Chen’s introduction. Until now, it is 805 days since I signed up for a Toastmaster member. So, I want to review the changes happened in my life during the 805 days.
My dear fellow members,
Why do you join Toastmasters? For improving your English ability? or you want to learn how to deliver a successful speech in public? maybe you just want to make friends. or you were cheated by a super Toastmaster sales like Jason. Whatever your answer is, how you feel now? Do you satisfy with ALE MAX?
The first time I knew Toastmaster club was from a book for business English learning. The author who is a senior Toastmaster and he suggests readers to join the club for keeping an environment to practice English and learn from each other. So, I surfed the information about Toastmaster from Internet and I found there were 4 Toastmaster clubs in Kaohsiung City at that time. I decided to contact Ale Max because: first I only available in Tuesday night, second, the former meeting venue: Magic Lisa is near my home.
After then, Toastmaster came to my life, of couse it changes my life a lot, especially when I need to deliver a manual speech. I used to rehearsed speech serval times and my children might see their father like a dummy because I always mumble to air and sometimes with strange postures. As I deliver more speech, I become more confident.
In Toastmaster, I also share about myself and my family with you, I told you how to cut off 20% weight, I told you how to find a good folding bike as well as how to protect from computer virus. Moreover, I let you know my son’s little bird story and maybe you all remembered, how can I have a son after 2 daughters, ya the secrete is up side down!
Because part of my job is to help business cost down so sometimes I have to fire unqualified employees. In order to protect my family, I rarely tell other people about myself. And actually I don’t have many friends, I tend to keep distance with others. However, since you are my friends so I can share with you.
To me, Toastmaster is a typical learning organization, which is an ideal organization type quoted by management textbooks and it is hard to find in real business world. People join Toastmaster not for degree, or to show off themselves. Most people join Toastmaster only for self improvement. The improvement might come from yourself and other members. So, I really like the evaluation session, our evaluators used to give speakers valuable and concrete suggestions to help us make speech better. Especially opinions from senior Toastmaster members they are all proficient speakers and kindly to share their experience.
My dear fellow members,
I think people should have different goals in every life stage. When you are 25, maybe your goal is to find a good job. And your life goal might change to find a person to get marry when you are 30 or over. Then you will have children and your career goal might change again. However, real life not always smoothly like story. But the worst thing to me is to lose goal. Because I will stop thinking and stop dedicate to growth.
What is your goal in this moment? Why are you set over here? You can stay at sweet home to watch soap opera like ‘mother’s home‘ or playing online games, even MSN with your friends. Yes, we are here because we want to help each other become better! That is what Toastmaster offers.
So, please setup your goal, schedule your progress just followed the Toastmaster’s two tracks. This is very important because you will keep energy in join regular meeting and never get tired. The more meeting we join the more improve we get! Just like the Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs told to the Standford graduate students:
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
We all know now is a tough time in Taiwan, the economy still bad and we have to face the impact from typhon and flood. Maybe you are not satisfy your job or your life now. However, the troubled times are the prime time for Toastmasters! Because we learn how to be both a good communicator and a good leader and that are essential for every work! Just be optimistic! The opportunity is for the person who prepare well!
In Toastmaster you don’t need to compete with others but yourself.
Thank you, Toastmaster of evening!