Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm, Tuesday, Apr. 28
Charge: Buy yourself a drink!
Place: Magic Lisa 魔法莉莎
No.16-1, Cingnian 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
地點: 高雄商旅3樓, 高雄市新興區民族二路33號 (近捷運橘線,信義國小站出口)
Meeting: 1st and 3rd tuesday of every month, 7:30pm-9:30pm
Venue: Urban Hotel 33, 3F, 33 Minzu Second Road, Kaohsiung City
Date: April 7th, 2009
Venue: Evergreen Hotel
Theme: Experience
Toastmasters of Evening held by Jane Yang, who was our incoming president, Her question for all the speakers and session master was “share with you’re the best personal experience which you have learned or gained something form it.” From all of their experience we learn that “Experience bring wisdom”
This time we only have two speakers Alex Sher worked on his C9 speech and Jason Wu finished his A20 speeches and Jonathan Chen worked on his High Performance Leadership Program Report.
Table Topic master was Roger Huang. He followed the theme to ask question about Experiences
1. What is the most important decision in your life, do you regret it now?
2. What the most stupid thing have you done in your life?
3. In ALE MAX, what activities do you like the most?
4. What the most beautiful thing have you ever experience with friends (including family…etc)?
General Evaluation was Mayna Chien, who is our senior member. By her leading the evaluator team was doing so well. All the evaluators had point out the speakers good and bad points for speakers and members to learn it.
The awards were going to............
Best Table Topic: Tiffney
Best Evaluator: Lillian Chen
Best Speaker: Alex Sher