The old CL Award
The 'old' Competent Leader award application is no longer available on line. You must use the attached pdf file which contains all the fields required for this award. Please complete the personal information along with part 1 and MAKE SURE to have the 2nd page signed by any current club officer. Please note: WHQ will only accept old CL award applications until 30th June 2008. These applications must be emailed, faxed or posted to World Headquarters.
Old CL application form (2.4Mb)
FAX: 001 949-858-1207
ADDRESS: Toastmasters International Member Services Department - Education Awards
P.O. Box 9052 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-9052 USA
'OLD CL' REQUIREMENTS * Achieved Competent Communicator award (or "old" Competent Toastmaster award) * Served at least six months as a club officer (President, Vice President Education, Vice President Membership, Vice President Public Relations, Secretary, Treasurer or Sergeant at Arms) and participated in the preparation of a Club Success Plan while serving in this office * While serving in the above office, participated in a District-sponsored Club Officer Training programme * Conducted any two programmes from: The Successful Club Series
and/or The Leadership Excellence Series
NOTE: Success Communication, Success Leadership, Youth Leadership and The Better Speaker Series programmes do not qualify. Programmes may not be those completed for previous awards. The old Competent Leader award is not the same as Advanced Leader Bronze because for the latter you also need to have completed the new Competent Leadership manual. However once you have the old CL you can proceed straight on to do Advanced Leader Silver.